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Automatic Pump Control Batam, Otomat Pompa Batam, Pressure Switch

Update Terakhir
07 / 02 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit



Detail Automatic Pump Control Batam, Otomat Pompa Batam, Pressure Switch

Automatic Pump Control Batam
Automatic Pressure Control Batam
Pressure Switch Batam

Ketika keran dibuka, pompa nyala
Ketika keran ditutup, pompa mati
Ketika sumber air habis, pompa mati

It automatically starts and stops the water pump whenever you open or close a tap or valve. With an automatic pressure controller, you don't need to turn on your pump every time you want to take a shower or wash the dishes.

Hubungi WA +62 878-9401-3000
Kawasan Industri Tunas 2 Blok 2E, Kec. Batam Kota, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
Tunas 2 berada di sebelah Agung Podomoro Land
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